This is a review of the Techpitch 4.5 conference which took place the 25th of May at the Pinsent Masons.
That was a very good event, well organized, with friendly and innovative people.
The event was setup by 2Pears, who also organize UKTI pitch workshops and Music 4.5, Bootlaw provides free information on legal issues facing emerging technology, internet and more, and finally UK Technology.
To start, we had a keynote by Danvers Baillieu and Eric van der Kleij (CEO TechCity). That was a good speech about the crucial role of TechCity with all the partners : investors, entrepreneurs and start-ups.The role and the policy of the government were also a subject of questions.
After this introduction Danvers Baillieu presenting to us the panel of judges, 6 in total. You can learn more information about them on the website of the event.
Now let me introduce to you the most interesting part :The participants
- The first one to present his project was Gabriel Ortiz for Clickslide
This company is a cross-platform website builder for Mobile and Web available for a wide range of Smartphones (iPhone, Blackberry, Samsung, Nokia and WAP).
- The second one was Dancetothis presented by Sue Green.
They provide content online by their website. They are partner with “Move to It Exhibition London” a 22,000+ sold event and they attempt 200K visitors online.
- The third presentation was by Tom Harrow. An easy way to find your babysitter with 3 key words : Safe / Local / Easy. The system founction on a subscription model.
- In Fourth, Gigaboxx was introduce by Ian Pickard. The principle is simple, it’s a mobile music download service which allows artists and record labels to quickly and easily build their own mobile music stores.
- Then, InternAvenue, with Dupsy Abiola. It’s a really young start-ups which propose a new service which is committed to simplifying the intern sourcing process.
- In the sixth position, there was Marketing Invoice presented by Anil Stocker. This is a confidential online trading system that allows UK businesses to selectively sell invoices due from large customers to raise cash.
- Seventh, MinuteBox by Josh Liu. This is a market space for people to buy and sell advice via video chat, a kind of an eBay for online Advice. I must confess, that was my favorite !
- The eighth presentation was Plancentric introduce by Matthew Scherba. Plancentric offers a new SaaS approach for SMEs that plan and manage professional resources. The key point is a really easy to manage interface.
- And to finish, Tools of Directing presented by Simon Phillips. It’s a Data-empowered directing solves story issues in the content creation and production processes while maintaining the integrity of the story.
At the end, the vote give this result :
- 1st place : Marketing Invoice
- 2nd place : MinuteBox
- 3rd place : Plancentric
Techpitch 4.5 Event Report (Final Cut) from Newspepper on Vimeo.
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